Ghostwriting Services

If you believe Chat GPT can write your book, you’re right.

But if you want people to read and relate to your work, you’ll need more than artificial intelligence.

People buy books for lots of reasons. But they keep reading them for the same reason: the story.

A story matters as much for a corporate history or a cookbook as it does for a novel. Why? Because the story wraps your advice; it carries whatever lesson, journey or moral that your experience and expertise has to offer.

That’s where I come in.

You may be the celebrity, guru, or content expert, but I’m the guy who can help draw out your story so that your readers can think and feel, and learn from what you have to say.

Human beings instinctively respond to a narrative structure, even if it’s as simple as: then, now and after. I can help you develop your book so it tells a story and makes a human connection.

You may not even need a ghostwriter. Maybe you’ve just written yourself into a corner and need someone to help get you back on track.

Either way, drop me a line and find out if you need a ghost writer, a book whisperer, or just a pat on the back.